I quickly determined that fabric would be the best way to go, and recalled an old cleaning trick - fold your cleaning cloth into quarters, and you have eight surfaces with which to clean. When one side gets dirty, just flip it to a different side and keep going. I decided that I could use the same theory - a square of fabric folded into quarters has eight surfaces, 4 on one side and four on the other. My mind started to concoct all the different ways to mark the eight sides, quilting, embroidery, applique, when I suddenly realized that I wanted it NOW and if I made the project too complicated, I would never have the finished project. I ran to the basement, grabbed the first scrap of fabric I saw, whacked it into a square, and grabbed some paint, and within a half hour (paint takes time to dry), I had my counting coaster.
This is how it looks folded:

Obviously this is side number three. I decided to use domino dots instead of drawing the numbers mostly because they are easy. I used a pencil eraser dipped in paint to make them.

This is how it looks open. (other side). No, it isn't a very good square, and the edges are unfinished, but it is complete and it works, which really is the most important thing. Now, if I want to take the time to quilt/applique/embroider a fancy one, I will have this one to use while I am working. Sometimes, that is enough.

xxx Susi
neat idea...good luck with all that water. You are right to do it, I just fill up on beer and coffee! :(
YOu are too funny! Now you will have to find the coaster before you can have a drink of water. At my house that might be reason enough to not have a drink.
Just a thought ... if you fill a pitcher with 8 glasses of water, you can have refrigerated water which is always yummier, and when the pitcher is empty you have had your daily quota.
but the coaster IS a cute idea!
Happy Mother's Day!
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