I'm not dead, I've just been busy finishing up an order. I have a friend that takes a big trip every year with her female friends, and for the past few years, I've been making cards for her to give out as little favors for the other women. This year they are taking a rafting trip, and I immediately thought a slider card would be fun.

It's was tricky getting all the elements that she wanted in there; the bluebonnets, the longhorn cattle, the oil rig, but most importantly, the river. For some of it, I could find clipart, but I had to draw the main background.
I had to make 18 of these. You never really get how much work a slider card can be until you make them in quantity.

This is brilliant!
I'm sure she was pleased.
love,love ,love it Juliet. It looks like a lot of work x 18.you sure have been one busy girl :)
WHat a fantastic card- you made 18 of these.....! No onder I have not seen you around too much! LOL
WHat a fantastic card- you made 18 of these.....! No onder I have not seen you around too much! LOL
THis is incredible. The very idea of making 18 of them is over the top.
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